Saturday, April 23, 2011

Volleyball Tournament 4/23/11

Today me & my friend Kathleen (whom wanted to come and watch my volleyball tournament) woke up at 5:25 AM to get to my volleyball tournament! Let me tell you, that 5:25 is the earliest I have ever woken up in my life!! We ended up playing horrible though! In every single one of our volleyball tournaments we have gotten into the gold bracket... except for this one. We lost our 1st two matches and the teams were really bad too! We won the 3rd game however in the pool play, which means that we were in the silver bracket.. :( During the 3rd game however, my arm popped out of it's socket and it hurt really bad!! It has happened before and I'm in physical therapy for it now, but it looks like it's not working! HAHA Then what our luck, the power goes out! So then we had to wait like 2 hours until the power came back on. Then we played our first game in the silver bracket and guess what... we lost:( But my team kind of wanted to loose , hehee(: Because if we had won, we would have had to stay and ref and then play two more games and honestly, we were all just ready to go! LOL! Hopefully we'll do better next time!

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